
STIHL Cleaners and Lubricants

Posted on September 14, 2022

STIHL Cleaners and Lubricants


All STIHL oils, lubricants and chemicals are formulated to help deliver the highest levels of protection against wear. Buy Better with STIHL.

Drysdale Mowers stocks a wide range of STIHL products including;

Mixing Bottle

Multi-purpose grease

ForestPlus Chain Oil

Heavy Duty gear lubricant

Superclean Resin Solvent


STIHL VarioClean

Pouring aids for chain oil

SynthPlus Chain Oil

BioPlus Bar & Cutter Lube

Heavy Duty Plus chain oil

Multioil Bio

If you are unsure what product your STIHL machine requires please call us to discuss further on 03 5253 1608